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How do we do this?
Eden's Nectar is the brand of honey that is always sold in the region where it is extracted from the hive.
By representing your local beekeeper's and marketing their product direct to you. In conjunction with the West Central Florida Beekeeper's Co-op. Eden's Nectar is able to bring the most beneficial and best tasting product to your table.
There are four seasons of honey to choose from, Spring - Summer - Fall & Winter. Because the beekeepers in Central Florida are a vital part of the agricultural process to produce crops, beekeepers move their hives to fields and groves to pollinate plants seasonally, this process produces honey from a wide assortment of nectars, and because the beekeepers lighten their hives of honey before moving to a new location this produces what we call "seasonal" honey.
West Central Florida Plants for Honeybees
Florida's honeybees are supported by numerous plant species, but a short list of nectar producers account for 90 percent of the state's honey production, according to the University of Florida Extension. Close proximity of bee colonies to nectar sources is important. Many minor nectar producers work in conjunction with major producers to support bee colonies. The diverse sources of nectar in this part of Florida produce a one of a kind taste for each season, these are just some of the flora that provide nectar for our honey production.
Citrus is the only major nectar-producing species cultivated (not wild) in Florida, according to University of Florida extension. Orange blossom honey, with its distinctive flavor and light color, is popular commercially. Citrus may bloom as early as February and as late as April (average bloom date is March 15); under ideal conditions, the bloom may last as long as four weeks.
Mexican Clover is also known as pusley. It is a small herb with white flowers found in cultivated areas of Florida. In Florida, pusley blooms in almost any month lacking frost. -
Florida holly is a medium sized shrub, sometimes growing to tree height along waterways in southern peninsular Florida. It blooms August to October. This is one of Florida’s prime nectar producing plants. The honey has a distinct “peppery” taste.
Spanish Needles is found throughout Florida in disturbed soil. The plants are annual, and numerous flowering heads with white rays and a yellow center are produced throughout the year, except where exposed to frost. It is an excellent nectar producer in late summer. -
Gallberry is a shrub commonly found in flatwood areas of Florida, and is a major nectar source. Gallberry blooms from April through May, and is considered to produce a fine grade of honey.
Cabbage Palm Florida’s state tree, the cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto), is found throughout the state. Often seen growing wild, cabbage palms are also cultivated as specimen trees in the home landscape and as street plantings. Cabbage palms produce flowers on multi-branched, 4 foot long stalks that attract bees in June thru August.
Saw Palmetto is an understory plant of low pinelands and occurs throughout the state. It is also one of Florida’s prime nectar sources and has a reputation for producing surplus honey crops in May and June. The honey is light green to amber and often has a high moisture content. -
Goldenrod is acommon, yellow flowered herb of abandoned fields and waste areas throughout the state. It flowers September to November and may produce a surplusof honey in the central and southern part of Florida.
Red Maple also known as swamp maple, grows throughout Florida producing one of the first sources of pollen and nectar for honeybees each year. Its showy red flowers and seeds are abundant in January and February. Red maples are common in woodland areas, parks and in the home landscape.
Numerous ornamentals in the home landscape will provide blossoms that are attractive to honeybees. Popular trees include hollies, magnolias and redbuds. Good shrubs include privets, ligustrums, and dwarf yaupon holly. Plant diversity in the landscape provides options to honeybees throughout the year, especially in urbanized areas that may limit traditional, wild sources of bee attractors.